About Us with lavender blossoms
magnifying glass with the word vision


Women of faith building a more peaceful, just, and ethical world.

magnifying glass with the word vision


To inspire women of faith to be ambassadors of peace who transcend partisanship and courageously advocate for ethical government.

magnifying glass with the word vision


MWEG's foundational principles and practices protect the integrity of the organization's vision and mission.

Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG™) is a nonpartisan nonprofit 501(c)(4) social welfare organization with an affiliated 501(c)(3) charitable organization called The MWEG Foundation.

Both organizations are rooted in our four core attributes: 



Mormon Women for Ethical Government was founded by faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who felt the call to raise their voices in the cause of ethical government. 

We welcome all women who are willing to abide by our Six Principles of Peacemaking and who are comfortable belonging to an organization that is guided by faith and informed by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrines of the Church. We welcome women from all over the world, but presently our efforts are focused on the United States. 

Disclaimer: MWEG is not affiliated with or endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We do, however, honor and sustain the Church’s doctrines and leaders.

Become a Member

Our Organization

tree painting by Julia Blake Art

MWEG is like a tree — organic, synergistic, cooperative. Our roots, guarded by the Root Directors, are MWEG's four core attributes. The strong, sturdy trunk, overseen by the Executive Team, holds our internal support teams. The limbs, cared for by the Limb Directors, embody the broad arms of our core objectives. And each individual member is a leaf, gathering light and producing life-sustaining energy.

Meet Our Team

Ā Ā Our Objectives

Ā Mormon Women for Ethical Government and the MWEG Foundation share four broad objectives:

two women smiling with the word encircle


Build the "beloved community," guided by our Six Principles of Peacemaking

open book with the word educate


Develop a more informed and discerning citizenry.                                                    

hands clasped with the word empower


Help women claim their moral authority and prepare them to act upon it for the benefit of all.

I voted sticker on a woman's sweater


Act collectively and individually to promote ethical government, oppose injustice, and proactively make peace.

Our Advocacy and Activism

Mormon Women for Ethical Government

We are watchdogs and activists whose advocacy is guided by our Principles of Ethical Government and our Principles of Nonpartisanship. Before taking a particular position on an issue that falls within these principles, we educate ourselves thoroughly on the matter (consulting a variety of experts in relevant fields and paying particular attention to the credibility of information sources), consider reasonable arguments on all sides, seek out the perspectives of people most affected, and prayerfully evaluate whether our commitment as disciples of Jesus Christ compels us to act.

The MWEG Foundation

We are an educational institute that prepares women of faith with the information, training, and encouragement to become more civically engaged* and to contribute more fully to charitable** causes within their communities and throughout the world. We embrace a model of individual empowerment in which we encourage each of our members to draw upon her moral authority and commitment to the Principles of Peacemaking to proactively engage in causes that are personally meaningful to her.

Official MWEG Foundation priorities include educational and training activities that:

  1. Promote greater civic engagement and elevate public discourse
  2. Encourage and prepare women to become ethical leaders and future public servants
  3. Create a peaceful society that respects the dignity and fundamental human rights of all God’s children
Frequently Asked Questions
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2021 Strategic Plan
2020 Annual Report

MWEG is a member of the Bridge Alliance, a broad coalition dedicated to engaging citizens in the political process, working with our civic leaders to face tough challenges, and promoting respectful, civil discourse.

MWEG Foundation 501 (c)(3) 2022 form 990-EZ
MWEG 501 (c)(4) 2022 form 990-EZ
MWEG Foundation 501 (c)(3) 2021 form 990-EZ
MWEG 501 (c)(4) 2021 form 990-EZ
MWEG Foundation 501(c)(3) 2020 form 990-EZ
MWEG 501(c)(4) 2020 form 990-EZ

IRS tax exemption letters are available upon request.

*Our efforts to promote greater civic engagement include permitted non-partisan activities such as voter registration drives, voter participation campaigns, voter education presentations, public forums, general civics education, and educational meetings or the distribution of educational materials on important issues of public policy. We do not promote or endorse candidates or parties, or make campaign contributions. We do, in compliance with federal tax law, offer thoroughly nonpartisan training for voters, campaign workers, and potential future candidates, specifically focusing our efforts on women and other groups that are underrepresented in the U.S. political system.

**We embrace the term charitable in its generally accepted legal sense and as it is described by the IRS, including “relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.”

The services offered by MWEG™ are neither made, provided, approved, nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied, or included in or with the services offered by MWEG™ are solely those of MWEG™ and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.